5 Humane Ways To Keep Away The Birds From Your Property

5 Humane Ways To Keep Away The Birds From Your Property

Birds can be a welcome addition to our yard, but at the same time, they can pose a menace too. The birds can become pests when they roost in your trees, eat your plants, litter your yard, and damage your property. If you have family members with weak immune systems or small kids, the bird’s droppings can pose a health risk for them. Bird Control Gold Coast in a humane way is an answer to keeping birds like pigeons, rock doves, domestic birds, etc., out of your yard. You can use home remedies or call professionals who can deter these birds from your property.

Deterrents help scare away the birds from your property. It will help to scare away birds from the pools, porches, garden, and other areas of your property. If you have a small farm near your property, these deterrents will keep birds away from causing any damage.

However, there are a few humane ways to keep them away from your property.

1.  Fake Fire Gel

Advanced technology offers many safe and ethical bird removal deterrents for your property. You can use the bird-free fake fire gel. It consists of food-grade natural oils to keep the birds off your structure. If seen from a bird’s-eye view, the gel will emit ultraviolet light. It will look like flames from far away. It will deter the bird from coming near the property or the structure where it is applied. Birds dislike the scent of the oil too.

2. Put Moving Flags and Scarecrows

The big flags that move fast with the help of the winds are one way to scare away the birds. Another way is to install predator statues, lifelike scarecrows, snakes, coyotes, etc., that looks real, but are just imitations to keep the bird pests out of your backyard or farm. You can also put large colored balls in your garden to scare the birds off. It will look like life-size eyes from afar.

3. Rods

These are made of metal or plastic. They are reflective or shiny so it confuses the birds who are approaching the area. As they cannot comprehend where to land, they will leave the place immediately. The rod deterrent is good for small birds like sparrows, pigeons, blackbirds, crows, etc., to keep them away from your garden. You can decorate these rod deterrents too. It can serve as the lawn decorator. If you are not up for spikes or any kind of unethical way to keep off the birds, you can always go for this option.

4. Bird Netting

It is a low-tech solution that works great for homeowners who do not want to indulge in unethical deterrent practices. Bird netting will prevent the birds from assessing the areas of the roofs and deter them from building nests too.

Netting is a good option to cover large spaces. However, homeowners must acknowledge that the size of the gaps in the netting is to keep off one species or type of bird. So, bird netting works great for one type of pest. These are long-lasting, easy to install, and discreet. You have to hire a professional who can provide good-quality netting and complete the installation.

5. Auditory Bird Deterrent

Scare tape is the cheapest and safest option to keep birds away from your property. You can wrap this tape around the tree branches or railings at your home. The tape has a holographic exterior and a shiny texture to confuse the birds. The tape makes a rustling sound in the wind and adds to the repelling activity. One thing: change the scare tape regularly, as it tends to lose its texture and auditory power somehow.

Hire the Best Bird Control Professional on the Gold Coast!

Birds are beautiful and amazing when it comes to their sweet chirping sound. The same birds can wreak havoc if they find the right place. Bird pest control is one of the best solutions. You must get a professional Bird Control Gold Coast service from 360 Pest Solutions. We are HACCP Certified to handle the bird pest menace while complying with the authority’s policies.

If you have bird problems, call 0447320360 or email admin@360pestsolutions.com.au for a quote.

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